4 Books every one Student must Read and Will Change Your Life
4 Books every one Student must Read and Will Change Your Life
"A man who does not read is of no use to a man who cannot read."
I am going to cover five books that are going to help you change from the average skilled student who is with you a star,
an extraordinary student who specializes in learning. Acquired, who specializes in discipline, and good habits. And that's why I decided to work with Motivation2Study to decide which books to read for students.
And it doesn't matter how old you are, or what kind of student you are, whether you're in school, college, university, or just a lifelong learner. These books are going to help you wherever you are.
And these books are meant to help you in all these common troubles. The delays, slowness, low energy, distractions that you see in the comments to these videos are selected.
So how do you get results, and what are the books that are going to help you stop this laziness and mobilize and remove this potential within you?
Expertise in George Leonard's first book This is a book based on Zen's philosophy and is helping you understand what a journey will be in helping martial arts lessons.
Mastery journey, what does it feel like? Because when you understand the path you take, you are able to navigate the pitfalls, you are able to avoid the trap in which 90% of other people are trapped. So that your way immediately.
Make it easy The second book is relatively new and is by James Claire. And the book is a nuclear habit.
And it offers an easy and proven way to build effective, good habits with minimal effort and maximum reward.
And one of the key principles that James Claire has talked about is that you need to know what your least practical habit is.
And that means don't try to do the most complicated things first when you're trying to get in the habit of getting up early and reading in the morning.
Instead, think of these as actions that you must take on a regular basis, at least in part.
What's so easy about it, you can do it in just two minutes? And then keep adding to it, getting rid of those habits like you did in the classroom. Unless you go from two push-ups to a thousand a day.
The next book is a book by Eric Thomas, Master of Encouragement, The Secret to Success, a short book, a straightforward point of view. This is a nest, encouraging. This is everything you would expect from an ET and it will help you understand.
Eric Thomas's journey from high school to the best-selling author of international renown. But it will also help you understand the steps and principles that Eric used to be the person he is today.
The next book is called Elizabeth Gilbert's Great Magic. Now we all know that being a student at the level seems easy but in practice, it can be difficult. When you sit there in the library and you spend extra time on your phone looking at Instagram or any other social media
. How do you stay focused and creative? Well in this book Elizabeth Gilbert goes through the process of how fear and creativity work and how both of them affect your work.
And with that, the next book is Steven Pressfield's Art of War. And in this book, he talks about the difference between an amateur part-time player that appears when he realizes which of you is a part-time player.
You think so when you review it. You pay 110 when you feel like it. You put your hand in the classroom when you feel like it.
And there is the resistance between amateurs and whatever Press Field Pro calls it. Now you can use the word resistance, you can use the word postponement which means you can use the word distraction but it all refers to the same obstacle.
But how can we get through it? Both of these books help you do just that. Let's think about why you should even read it in the first place. What is it that is going to help you?
Now, this is from someone I never read when I went to school despite the encouragement of the teachers, despite knowing that this is something I should really do. I could never bring myself. So what was the difference?
I am now in a position where I have left university since I left school, college, behind my education I really read and study more than ever before, and the thing that really made this change Has helped me to create, this leap has been seen not only as a reading but also as a meeting with the author. So whether you think of Thomas,
Gary Weiner, or any of these other self-help gurus, you are spending one-on-one time with this author while you are reading. This may not be true anymore, but the man, who has decades of experience, took note of the most important figures.
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