apple iphone 12 pro max with 5g homepod

I'm excited to add a new homepod family. This is a home pod mini.iphone 12 pro&pro mex At the top of the Home, Pod Mini is a back-to-back touch level that controls volume, play, pause, and even when you press Siri. - We have developed a full range of dynamic drivers that provide high productivity with minimal distortion. Developed a pair of high-speed rotations, forcing the cancellation of inactive radiators that enable amazing base response. We also developed an audiovisual guide to provide a consistent 360-degree sound experience. We paired it with the Apple S5 chip and advanced software, which enables us to fully compute the name of computational audio. Before listening to the first note, HomePod is analyzing the unique features of Mini Music and improving the loudness. Adjusting the dynamic range, and controlling the movement of drivers and inactive radiators in real-time. Using a complex tanning model. Multiple home pod mini speakers can work perfectl...